Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 Year End Recap

It's been a busy year for the Fitster Sisters. We wish we could say that it's been full of only joy, but the truth is there have been ups and downs in all different aspects of our lives. As we look back, we are grateful for the incredible support we had from one another, and of course our family and friends. Overall we ran hundreds of miles, hours and days together. We shed tears of joy, hatred, and sorrow. We lost inches, pounds and sanity. We laughed a lot and learned a lot. We accomplished goals and set new limits, and we fell along the way several times. We experienced road blocks and walls that were difficult to get around, yet we made it through unscathed for the most part.

We are each other's lifelines through all the good and the bad. We hold each other up and hold each other's hands to guide when needed. Handholding is a literal thing you should do. Try to hold hands while running, while eating, while taking cheesy pictures. We are just kidding of course with that last line, but just know who you can go to and who will hold your hand when you do need it. Sometimes you will need it! 

The truth is that life is messy and full of those ups and downs. We have discussed the roller coaster that weight control is all the time. It can drive a sane person insane. As we look into the new year we are grateful for the introspection we have from 2015. To be honest we aren't big fans of resolutions. They are easy to break and once you do most people feel as though they aren't able to go back and start again. So instead we set goals for ourselves heading into 2016.

1. LAUGH a lot! This is such a hard concept as laughter can sometimes be hard to come by when stressed. Use a friend or a family member, and remember to laugh. It feeds the soul during some difficult times!

2. Find a partner in crime and stick with them! You might need a few of them, but part of our success has been through one another and that is priceless. Plus you need someone to talk bad about someone who looks like they are having a perfect workout while you suffer 😂. 

3. Have back up plans. If you plan to run outside but it rains, know what you'll do instead. So many times it's easy to just give up and not workout that day. Don't do it, commit and stay focused. 

4. Keep your eye on the prize. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. You need this to be a lifelong commitment for healthy living. It will be hard and emotional, yet one of the most rewarding parts of your life if done correctly. 
5. Indulge! We've discussed this before but don't withhold your heart's desire next year. Enjoy this journey and keep your sanity.

Remember lastly to COMMIT! Goals are important and as we roll into 2016, and our goal is to remember that commitment part ourselves. We have fallen at times towards the end of this year. It's been difficult and the holiday time was rough. However, we look forward to the new year and a renewed sense of commitment and power. 

We got this and so do you!

The Fitster Sisters

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