Monday, December 28, 2015

Battling the Holiday Bulge

The last few months of the year are food giving, which is NOT helpful for battling weight issues. They really can undo all the hard work we've all put in over the last 10 months. How do we cope?!

We recommend indulging but with restrictions. The issue with holiday indulging is that we indulge one day then think oh what's one more day and then another and then another. Well before you know it you've indulged for two weeks and put on 10 pounds. Been there, done that, ain't going back! So watch out for that! There will also be people who will not help you cause! 
Gaze upon them with hate and say no or make it your day to indulge, you choose. Just know the consequences! Now when we indulge we use our Fat Fighters and that helps quite a bit.

Keep your same workout routine. Don't get lazy! It is really easy to become content with indulging and think you might get back into the routine after the holidays. Well, your two weeks of indulging and not working out will probably end in a nice little bulge for you. We've all been there before as well!

Check in with an accountability partner. 
This is what we are to one another! Everyone needs this type of friend.
We basically need one and another to say fat butt get off the couch! Our plan will be to eat lots and then run lots 😂! We will do this in moderation obviously but at least we have each other to be successful! 

Try to think of this as a lifestyle change, not a get through the holidays. It's makes it a lot easier. You got this!

The Fitster Sisters

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