We want people to know that we have our own struggles, and it's not all rainbows, sunshine and pounds just melting off all the time. In fact for both of us it's been a rough couple months, yes that is rights MONTHS, in our weight loss journey. Tegan has been seeing numbers on her scale the last few weeks that haven't been there since MARCH. It's beyond hard and frustrating.
We'll be the first to admit that we aren't always doing the things we are suppose to. Come on it's Fall, it's easy to eat all the pumpkin spice flavored goodies. Not to mention that we are knee deep in holiday season. You may be in the process of getting rid of all the fun size candy in your house from Halloween but that's really just the beginning, Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner. (We will cover that in a later blog) for us the most frustrating thing has to be when you actually are back on track, you weigh in and not only has the number on the scale not gone down it's gone up. SERIOUSLY?!?! This is what we have been fighting ourselves basically since May.

Related: The Weight Roller Coaster
So what do you do? Other than sitting down on your couch and binging on the biggest chocolate chip cookie you can find. Well there are a couple things.
- Grant yourself some grace. Keep in mind that this is a process and like all things in life there are ups and downs. If everything came easy to use would we really appreciate it in the end? This is work, and work is hard, but work makes you stronger. The more you are able to overcome multiple little things in your life, you notice that they can add up to one big thing. Or better yet the strength you gained from overcoming those little things, will help you overcoming something even larger in the future.
Related: Dieting Again ?!...
- Working out is not just to help you physically, it is also to help you mentally. We can tell a difference in ourselves if we have taken a few days off. Normally we are sweet and compliant people, (that may be a little bit of a stretch) but if we haven't worked out in a few days we are short tempered, irritable and not the most rational people on the face of the planet. Many times when one of us gets like this we will suggest a walk together, just to get the other one out and about. Have any of you noticed the same things?
- With all of that said, this is mentally exhausting!!! Between trying to keep yourself motivated to work out, eating healthy and dealing with that frustrating number it's ok to have a vent session with your BFF every once in a while. Or in our case several times a week at the moment. So go ahead and vent, better yet vent while taking a walk or if you want to over a bowl of some yummy ice cream.
- Drink all the water. Well ok, maybe not ALL the water, but make sure you are drinking a lot of water. We know this is something we continually talk about but it is so very important. The average person need 8 8oz glasses a day for a grand total of 64oz. That's only 2.6 Tervis cups! If you are working out you should be drinking more. Water is not only used to hydrate you, but it also helps to flush out the toxins in your system. It even can help you regulate your digestive track, and a lot of times we could be adding on an extra pound or two because things just aren't moving the way they should be.
- You will probably ALWAYS be hungry, or at least we are. Right at this moment we can't seem to get full if our lives are dependent on it. It's partially because we haven't been on our diets, eating our snacks when we are suppose to, making sure we are eating the right amount of fiber and protein, and working out. Again, there seems to be a correlation, for us, between always being hungry and not following the things we should be doing.
The most important thing to remember is that even if you have added a few pounds, or in our case 7 for both of us, you can always start back up. It's ok to get off track, in no way is this a sprint; it's a marathon and something you will continually have to work at. One of the things we have to remind ourselves over and over again is that we didn't put the weight on overnight (even if it seems like it did) so we can't expect it to come off overnight either.
You've got this!!!
The Fitster Sisters
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