Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Here Comes Race Day

Race day is approaching, you've logged so many miles you can't keep track, you don't even want to think about how many hours it's taken, and lets not even mention all the aches and pains you have had along the way. But the best part is that race day is coming and soon all the miles, the hours and yes even the aches and pains will pay off. It may not seem like it but it will.

The week or weeks leading up to a race can be just as important as the all the weeks you spent training. One of the most important things you can do is taper for at least a week, if not two. Tapering is an athletes best friend! If you are anything like we are the closer you get to the end of your training program the more exhausted you body is becoming. The less you want to lace up those shoes and head out for a run. Trust us we get it, we have been there for pretty much any race we have trained for. There are many times we are talking each other into getting those last few training runs in. Mile after mile you are breaking down your body, the longer your runs get the longer your body need to recover. A taper will bring your mileage down and allow your legs to be fresh for race day.

Related: Real Talk

During that final week it is imperative you watch what you eat, something we aren't the best at. Think of it like your car, you have to put the right gas into it for it to perform well. The same goes for your body. If you have been watching what you are eating the entire time you have been training you can't change that the week before the race. Make you are loading up on protein, healthy good carbs, and fiber. These things will allow your body to perform at it's peak. We like having family pasta dinners the night before our big races. Not only are we going to carb up but we are also going to get a chance to celebrate with those that have stood by us during our craziness.

Related: Adventures In Cross Training

Now to everyone's favorite part, and the hardest thing to do, SLEEP! During the week/weeks leading up to your race you need to make sure you are allowing your body to rest. When you workout you are actually tearing down your muscles, while you sleep it allows your body to repair these tears and help you to grow stronger. We know several elite level athletes and one of the things they almost always do it nap right after they get done with a hard work out. This isn't always possible but you should be getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep a night. We love using our Fitbit to track our sleep to know just how well we actually are sleeping.

When the morning finally arrives it is beyond important that you eat something which will allow you to maintain energy during the duration of the race. One of the best things to eat is something made up of complex carbs which will break down slowly giving you energy through out the race, especially during the longer races. Remember this goes back to fueling your body, it had to have something it can run off of. This is, however, not the time to try something new. Eat something the day of the race you have eaten before and you know it will not mess with your stomach. If you don't you will find yourself half way through your race struggling.

The best part is that if you have made it to this point you are almost done. We would love to hear about your own race day prep, do you have something you have to do? Let us know!

You've got this!
The Fitster Sisters

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