Everywhere we go in society there are these unspoken rules, rules that no one really speaks of but everyone seems to knows them. It's very Fight Clubish. You know, the first rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Flight Club? Ooops... Did we just talk about Flight Club?
Working out is no different, there are all these rules no one talks about but people break all the time. We are going to assume they are broken because people don't know about them and not because they are just rude. But you know what they say about assuming... Well have no fear we are here to help you out a little bit.
1. Go against traffic: This is actually an official rule, and very IMPORTANT! For safety purposes, when working out outside running/walking/biking go against traffic this allows on coming traffic to see you and you to see it. Drivers get distracted, we all know it and we've all done it. Defensive working out is just as important as defensive driving.
2. Wave at cars: So this may not be one that goes for everyone, but we are from the Midwest and here we wave at our neighbors. Not only is it polite but it might also be a little entertaining. It's like saying "Hey There Driver, thank you so much for seeing me and not running me over. I really appreciate that!" On really long runs Tegan like to pretend the people waving back are really cheering her on. We get they aren't but anything to keep your mind off the fact that for some reason you decided to run a stupid amount of miles that day.
3. Buffer Treadmill: Every other one people, is it really that hard? This one is actually not just limited to the treadmill, it can go for really any equipment in the gym. The moment someone steps on a treadmill directly next to us, we are instantly racing. we don't care if you are running at a 10 (Is that possible? Does the treadmill even go that fast?) and we're running at our normal 5.3, we are going to race. Just be prepared for it. If you don't want this to happen leave that buffer treadmill! The closer you are to us the more we are going to pretend to look at something on the other side of the gym so we can see your numbers. Sorry! Ok... We aren't really sorry!
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4. Use Headphones: This goes for working out in the gym or outside, it's just polite people. Tegan actually just experienced this one on Sunday. Look, we are sure that you love your music and that's great, but we want to listen to our music and not yours. When we can hear your music over ours, we are going to be REALLY annoyed and am going to crush you in the imaginary race going on.
5. Staring happens, get over yourself: When you are on a stationary object staring will happen. There are only so many place you can look with out risking your own life and falling off. So Mr. Hot Guy when we are looking in your direction because we are on a treadmill and you are directly in front of us, I'm not staring at you because you are hot, I'm staring at you because there is no other place to look. Get over your self!
6. Gas is going to happen: Exercise gets everything in your system moving so don't be surpsied when a little gas come out, and don't be disgusted when the person next to you (who didn't leave the buffer treadmill) has some too. Just roll with it. I mean for the most part we are all adults here and it's not like it's some major secrete, people poop. If outside and you have some warning be aware of the people around you. Go behind the group or at least as down wind as you can get.
7. Stay to the right: We are not in the UK, here we drive and walk on the right side. Heck we even circle swim on the right. Is there seriously anything more annoying than when you are running and the person is walking down the middle of the sidewalk? Actually there is, it's when you say on your left and they move to their left and then you move to the right just to have them move to the right. It ends up as one of those awkward dances. While we are at it, if you are walking/running in a group, please don't walk 17 people across! It's really annoying to have to dodge in and out of groups. Walk a couple across in more than one row if necessary. You should have some space for people to be able to get by.
Related: Beat The Heat
8. Smile: Smile at the people around you at the gym, smile at the person you pass on the street, heck smile at your self in the mirror. Don't do that last one too much or you may look at little narcissistic. What we are saying is that a smile gives encouragement, it helps those who are dying to get a little more pep in their step. We try to smile at those that seem to need. Especially those woman that look like they want to be anywhere else than the gym. If we really think about it we are all in this together, so why not encourage those around you?
These are obviously not the only rules out there but they are a good start. By following these few simple rules you will not only be a more polite person but also helping to make the workout of your fellow human just a little bit more enjoyable. Don't we all need a little help in that department? We sure do!
We would love to hear some of your other "rules" are, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. We have a feeling that this won't be the last time we visit this topic.
Keep up the great work!
Fitster Sisters
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