Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Stretch It Out: It Really Is Necessary

You've finished your workout, you feel great and you are in a hurry so you think to yourself I don't really need to stretch. WRONG!!!  It's very easy to toss stretching to the side, but in doing so you are missing out on some much need benefits. Tegan is honestly the worst about this, it is her least favorite part of working out. She can't even tell you why. However, this is not the example to live by!

Stretching is actually an exercise and you CAN/WILL burn calories! Doing mild stretching for about 30 minutes will burn on average around 90-100 calories. Say hello to the extra snack you can now eat because you chose to stretch! Beyond the calories being burned, stretching also has many benefits for your muscles. After exercise, muscles become tight and tired, we have to help work out the knots and other build up we have in our bodies. This helps to prevent or alleviate soreness and fatigue. 

STRETCH EVERYTHING: When deciding what to stretch, stretch it all! Most forms of exercise takes it out on your whole body, so stretching your legs, your arms and even your neck/back/core is helpful.
STRETCH BEFORE/AFTER: Now there is actually some debate about stretching before your workout. Some experts say it's not necessary, some say it is, and some say just do a few quick stretches. So who do you listen to? Who is right? This is a question we have asked ourselves since we are not experts ourselves! We say do what is right for you and speak with your doctor. Tegan doesn't stretch a ton before her work outs (but she does do it), where as Andrea stretches a little more. Make sure you are listening closely to your body. Even holding the stretch for 15 seconds is better than not stretching. It will help your body to recover. You can easily get injured if you don't stretch. Andrea's husband rarely stretched before or after a run, needless to say he hurt his Achilles' tendons on both ankles. He had to sit out of running for 4 weeks before slowly progressing back into it, know what the biggest advice the doctor and other experts have him? STRETCH CRAZY HEAD!! He's still not always the best but he understands the importance of it now. He could have to have surgery if he damaged them further, which stretching can prevent. So take those extra few minutes. 
STRETCH BEFORE BED: One of the easiest times to stretch, if you don't have tons of time around your workout, is before going to bed. It can be relaxing and a nice way to warm your muscles up before going to sleep. This can help make sure they aren't tight in the morning. Plus you burn a couple extra calories, so that's a win!!

Remember you got this!

The Fitster Sisters

(We aren't licensed medical practitioners, so always check with your doctor before exercising or if you have questions.)

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