Thursday, June 25, 2015

Who the Heck Are We?

We know what you are thinking, who the heck are you and why do we care in the slightest what you have to say? Trust us we get it, anyone can write a blog, throw some funny sentences around and then post it on the internet calling themselves a blogger.

Our story starts back in 2003 when we met as we joined a sorority our first year in college. We would love to say that we were instantly besties but that wasn't the case. Yes we were great friends, but the bestie/sister part didn't really come until about 2011 when Andrea was pregnant with her second child. Don't let that fool you though, we have weathered pretty much every type of situation life could throw at us over the last twelve years. Now we are pretty much mutally dependent on one another for our emotional well being. So we may not be blood related but we are for sure sisters.

Growing up we both were athletic and spent a lot of our time in sports. This kept both of us from really ever having to worry about what we were eating because we would burn it right off at practice later. Plus if we are being honest we also had that teenage girl metabolism which worked at super sonic speed. How do we go about getting that back? As we started in college our afternoons of practices gave way to late night studying and midnight snacks, that were less than healthy. Like most people life just got in the way, and as a result the pounds slowly began to creep on. For many years we just lived with it. Finally in the summer of 2014 we both had had enough and decided it was time for a change.

So who are we?

A competitive swimmer from the age of 6, she spent the majority of her years growing up in and around a pool. An Olympic swimmer she was not, although her brother is a Paralympian, she was decent for the city of Wichita. The summer before her senior year of swimming she was introduced to rowing, a sport she instantly fell in love with. Recruited out of high school she headed off to Wichita State University to row. In March of her freshman year an injury sidelined her and her competitive days were quickly behind her.

In January of 2015 she started to run, prompted by a serious plateau in her weight loss. Running was never something she enjoyed when she was younger, but slowly it started to grow on her. In May she completed her first half marathon. Currently she is training for her first sprint triathlon in August and her second half marathon in September. She is down a total of an incredible 50 pounds!!

Andrea is a much more well rounded athlete. An avid softball player through high school. However, due to injuries she put sports on the back burner when starting college. Working out was a thing of the past until her first weight loss journey in 2009 a year after the birth of her first child. She lost 50 pounds and loved hot yoga! Two more kiddos later and 30 pounds back on; Andrea found herself again looking in the mirror needing a change.

In October of 2014, she started to run; something she never would've thought to do as enjoyment or possible with two ankle surgeries. She now would describe herself as a runner and loves to throw in weekly weight lifting and some cross training classes. She is currently training for her first half marathon this year. She is down 70 pounds since August 2014, and 90 from her heaviest!

Over the last year we have read more blogs and articles than we can count, we have driven our doctors nuts with questions, and we are starting to be recognized at GoRun (one of our local running stores) because we are in there so much. We get asked several of the same questions constantly so we thought we would start a blog to answer those questions and to share our journeys. By no means do we pretend to know everything, and we sure are not doctors!

We have been fortunate to have each other in this journey. If it wasn't for the other one we're pretty sure we both of us would have given up a long time ago. One of the greatest things is being able to see your best friend, your sister, succeed and get to her goal!

We want to be able to walk along side other people who are going through what we have. We want to be able to share the tricks that took us forever to find out. We want to be able to celebrate with you! Please reach out, comment below, message us on Facebook, tweet us so we can do that. If you have questions ask them. We may not always have the answer, but that's why our doctors are on speed dial! Right? (Maybe we shouldn't admit that!)

We hope you enjoy our tales from the belly!

The Fitster Sisters

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